Defensive programming in Java

7 minute read

Defensive programming: exception handling, try-with-resources, AutoCloseable and Closeable, assertions.

SQL security basics

7 minute read

Security in normalized and denormalized database, integrity, idempotent vs deterministic functions.

SQL cheatsheet: part 7

17 minute read

Advanced SQL for Java devs: cursor, function, trigger, index.

SQL cheatsheet: part 4

10 minute read

Medium SQL for Java developers: CRUD operations, n+1 problem, Flyway & Liquibase migrations.

SQL cheatsheet: part 3

6 minute read

Basic SQL for Java developers: union vs join, left join, right join, inner vs outter join.

SQL cheatsheet: part 2

3 minute read

Basic SQL for Java developers: aggregations, group by, where vs having.

SQL cheatsheet

10 minute read

Basic SQL for Java developers: SELECT, Boolean operators, mathematics and other tricks.

Hashing: part 2

11 minute read

Hashing in Java: object serialization, security & cryptography.


19 minute read

Hashing in Java: data structures, collections, security, cryptography.

Java REPL: JShell

11 minute read

Using Java in terminal console. Running Java code without compilation. Creating executable scripts in Java.

LibreWolf review

10 minute read

Private Firefox-based browser for Linux and macOS.

Heisenbugs in Java

4 minute read

Debugging Heisenbugs in Java and other creatures.


3 minute read

Read why some Japanese martial arts and Zen concept should be apply to software development.

Ubuntu Privacy 101

3 minute read

Linux is more private OS. Learn basic setup that increases privacy even more.

Java: Sniper Code

less than 1 minute read

Follow ten simple rules and become Java sniper.

Books: AI

1 minute read

Trending books on AI. How high-tech affects geopolitics and vice versa.

Groovy Intro

5 minute read

Intro to Groovy language.

Groovy: Why Spock?

1 minute read

Why to use Spock - a Groovy testing framework?


3 minute read

Shifting bits explained with examples.


1 minute read

Bitwise operators explained with examples.